

Apr 07

Wing Chun Logo


This is the new design of Brotherhood of Wing Chun’s Logo, not many changes in this new logo compare to the previous one. There are some addition in Mandarin text, which mean Ip Man Wing Chun and red list addition outside logo’s circle.

Mandarin text addition (Ip Man Wing Chun) is our affirmation (Brotherhood of Wing Chun) on what we have learnt, understood and thought are pure Ip Man Wing Chun, can be held accountable moraly and materially.

Mandarin text addition (Ip Man Wing Chun) also fulfill the 9 Ip Man Wing Chun’s conducts, that is point 9 “Pass on the tradition, keep up chinese arts and loyal to ancestors.”

Permanent link to this article: http://wingchun-jakarta.com/2013/04/wing-chun-logo/


  1. Tinus

    Permisi, saya salah satu penggemar dan praktisi Bela diri mau bertanya untuk ikut serta dalam latihan WingChun di Brother of WingChun ini, apa saya bisa mengunjungi lokasi latihan terdekat pada waktu – waktu latihan atau juga bisa di hari – hari biasa. Saya ingin bertanya lebih jauh secara langsung dan ingin bertanya tentang tahapan dan iuran latihan per bulannya. Karena mungkin tidak dicantumkan di website ini.

    Terima Kasih sebelumnya


    1. Administrator

      Silahkan dataang langsung ke tempat latihan kami bro…alamat dan hari latihannya ada di halaman depan web ini. Terima kasih

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