

May 16

Semarang Wing Chun Training

IMG00390-20130223-1109Brotherhood of Wing Chun and Wing Chun Semarang Community at 1 – 2 June will hold Wing Chun training to Wing Chun lover in Middle Java and around. This training is part of Wing Chun Journey programme to introduce and spread Ip Man Wing Chun to anybody, without looking at social status, tribe, religion, poor or rich. For Wing Chun Semarang community, this training is also for sharpening and evaluating the progress that has been reached by friends in Semarang.

Wing Chun Semarang training is very important to all Wing Chun practitioners who learn Wing Chun privately through internet, book and DVD, to ask directly, to learn and to understand in detail true and can be accountable Ip Man Wing Chun.This training will be directed by shifu Martin Kusuma (GM. Samuel Kwok bai shi disciple, Permanent member of Ving Tsun Ip Ching Athletic Association, Permanent member and official instructor Ving Tsun Athletic Association (VTAA), the first and the only Indonesian who has learnt to GM. Ip Ching (second son of GGM. Ip Man).

Because of limited space and many enthusiasts, please contact Wing Chun Semarang Community (http://www.wingchunsemarang.org/).

Permanent link to this article: http://wingchun-jakarta.com/2013/05/semarang-wing-chun-training/


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  1. rohman

    saya ingin ikut beladiri wing chun tapi saya ingin tahu bayarnya berapa dan tempatnya di mana

    1. Administrator

      Jika ingin jelas silahkan langsung datang…

  2. chandra

    Kalau mau ikut latian wingchun di semarang ,alamatnya jalsn apa ya,,,,

    1. Administrator

      Di menu Our Location leboh lengkap…

  3. pujud

    saya ingin ikut bela diri wingchun tapi saya tidak taw alamatnya mhon saya di kasih tau alamatnya di semarang?

    1. Administrator

      Di web ini informasi sudah dibuat jelas…silahkan cek di menu Our Location…

  4. agung

    Saya mau ikut beladiri wingchun tapi berapa biaya per bulannya

    1. Administrator

      Langsung tanya di lokasi latihan…

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