

May 22

Wing Chun Indonesia Seminar, The First in Kupang – NTT

webkupangOn 20 May 2015, Tradisional Ip Man Wing Chun Kupang Community ran the first Ip Man Wing Chun seminar in Kupang, East Indonesia. Tradisional Ip Man Wing Chun (TIMWC) Indonesia was honoured to send sifu Martin Kusuma to Kupang as the instructor representative.

This seminar is part of Wing Chun Journey program, a regular program run by TIMWC Indonesia to spread Ip Man Wing Chun to anyone in Indonesia without discriminating at social status, race, religion, or wealth. The seminar was run directly by sifu Martin Kusuma, who is always consistent in learning and spreading Ip Man Wing Chun in Indonesia, and in other countries. Skills and knowledge that sifu Martin Kusuma taught in this seminar is learnt directly from GM Samuel Kwok, GM Ip Ching, and other Ip Man Wing Chun Grandmasters, not from the internet, movies, nor individual perceptions from unreliable sources.

The seminar material was run in high detail, clear and concise, similar to the structured curriculum created by TIMWC Indonesia. Skills and knowledge shared in this seminar can be explained logically, and proofed using real fight situation and experiences. In every seminar he ran, sifu Martin Kusuma has never received any fees, and sifu Martin Kusuma is the first Indonesian Ip Man Wing Chun instructor who has successfully delivered wing chun Indonesia into the world champion in 2014.

Permanent link to this article: http://wingchun-jakarta.com/2015/05/seminar-wing-chun-indonesia-kupang-ntt/

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